Your SS14 Username: fatengineergaming
Banning Admin's Username: Ze_SpyRo
Role Ban or Server Ban: Server, perma
Round ID (if applicable): Forgot
Reason for Ban: Repeated behavior of join round -> don't do much and wait for when midrounds should spawn -> immediately cryo if not a midround.
What lead up to the ban: Don't remember the round exactly, but I was a assistant, and was just walking around. Eventually got kind of bored and decided to go to Cryosleep and do something else.
Why you should be unbanned: Wasn't even trying to antag roll, and if I remember correctly, the midround announcement wasn't even made yet. I was just getting bored because I wasn't really doing much aside from existing (Assistant is kind of a boring job depending on the circumstance), so I decided to leave. Even if the announcement was made beforehand, I was still pretty bored. But based off the ban wording, I assume this is for previous rounds too. Kind of the same situation there, just got bored because there wasn't really anything happening, and decided to leave. Overall is more of a "Right place wrong time" thing. And besides, considering I was banned for this thrice, why the hell would i do it a 4th time considering it would lead to a perma ban?