Your SS14 Username: Ujplays
Banning Admin's Username: Icepick
Role Ban or Server Ban: Server
Round ID (if applicable): idk
Reason for Ban:
"Metacomming with kingj12 aswell as not following the RP standards of the server.
Hopped the counter into Cargo and tried to convince a technician to approve a shotgun crate. Was going around asking people for guns and talking like its NRP."
What lead up to the ban: I wanted gun, i don't think it was that out of character. I wasn't aware that being on a call was considered cheating. Someone coulda just said that and i would have gotten off.
Why you should be unbanned: I was trying to RP as an emaged ex-syndicate IPC, so i kept making comments on the gun stuff. I shouldn't have hopped over cargo counter and tried to get shotgun, that was rude, I'm Sorry. And finally i was on a call with my friend king12 cause he was new and didn't know the controls. I'm sorry about the disruption admins, I just wanna play on my favorite server again.