Your SS14 Username: frostwight
Banning Admin's Username: Gttheglorious
Role Ban or Server Ban: Role ban
Round ID (if applicable): 3469
Reason for Ban: "Restrained a suspect for half an hour as HoS without sentencing or imprisoning"
What lead up to the ban: Eneka was already suspected for ID theft (HoS ID), and was imprisoned previously for unrelated crimes; found a door broken into in sec and scanned it--mysterious fibers. now, im unsure if "mysterious fibers" is mindshielded, as this is not mentioned anywhere, but considering everything surrounding it, we figured that Eneka was a thief. i got a new ID and arrested him after finding those same fibers on his gloves. brought him to sec peacefully (didnt cuff him) and watched my ID disappear, and watched his icon change for a moment on the sechud. mike was there too, unsure if he saw the change. so I cuffed him and told him to give my ID back. he kept playing stupid, and i didnt have an ID, and there were people going crazy at the sec doors because i took jimbo's omega soap (he kept using it to disrupt sec), so mike was overwhelmed. eneka kept breaking his cuffs which added to the sentence (breach of arrest) and tried to enter dispo. he also used his comms to incite mutiny. All that is perma-able. but again, no ID so no sentencing could be done. couldnt leave. the only one answering on command comms was the CMO, everyone else was dead silent. we were going to check Eneka for an implant because of the VERY MYSTERIOUS disappearance of my ID after i watched it enter his hands. CMO didnt wanna do it, which is fair, but we asked NTR and got no response. riot breaks out at sec front, multiple people breaking in, mike and i are overwhelmed, i cant leave because i dont have an ID, i keep telling Mike to open the doors and to help deal with the rioters, he doesnt seem to hear me because chat is busy or something, until way later.
Why you should be unbanned:
due to the fact there was a riot going on, including many other factors, just letting eneka free after inciting a mutiny and breaching arrest felt like a stupid idea, but i couldnt get him to perma so i didnt have any choice but to hold him there until he coughed up my ID, which he didnt. there was too much going on against me and mike to say what i did was abuse