Username : Gnorm
Banning Admin : Huhm
Server ban i think?
Round ID : un sure
Reason for ban : No tolerance for NSFW: said "Rubbin his balls all night" on common
Leading up : Science was on common chat talking about Rubbing his Orbs. others responded with orb rubbing jokes. i responded with "Sci rubbin his balls al night". a few laughs were had and the joke ended there.
Reason for unban: i can see where it might be seen as NSFW but i did not mean it in a NSFW manner. it was a joke in poor taste about science rubbing some sort of orb they found or received and did not go further than that comment. i apologize for that comment that taking was taking things too far. i will not make any innuendo or NSFW talk going forward.
Have a great day!