Your SS14 Username: JORJ949, but this isn't about me.
Admin's In-Game Username:laaudish/mish
Reason for Complaint: This complaint is made on behalf of a good friend of mine will B gaming, who due to a misunderstanding on both sides has been reluctant (and unable to, due to dewhitelisting) to retry funky MRP. They do not want to interact further with the admins and have given me permission to discuss this with the admins.
Their original complaint can be found here.
Their original complaint is over the name "Skits" being determined to not be allowed for arachnids, the responding admin believed incorrectly that the complaint was about "Skits Frenic" not being allowed. In the complaint you can see them specify they are "not upset that I was asked to change Skits Frenic" but are instead "upset that the admin was incapable of letting me have no last name, understanding the server rules, or being consistent with their judgement and enforcing this same rule on the other people with ridiculous OOC names." Which I believe to be their actual point in admin inconsistency, in addition the admin claims that arachnids "are not alien" which the rules on naming explicitally specify do NOT need a last name, which the admin in the complaint refused to listen to, and resulted in the last name being changed to "Reynard", note that "Skits" was still permitted, and after returning to goob the name is now "Skits Webber".
After this complaint they decided to leave the discord and did not want to play on funky, but after reconvincing they realised leaving the discord unwhitelisted them and submitted a second whitelist request, which was denied. This is effectively permabanning them with the exception of Cirno, which they can only play on weekends. I do not believe what is effectively a permaban over a couple events that had already been resolved ( unless you allow using admin complaints against players, which is poor policy) is reasonable.