My Username: macro144p
Banning Admin: Ze_SpyRo
Server Ban: Both servers
Round ID: Don't remember, ban message doesn't say
Reason for Ban: I suicided in permajail while guarding it as a secoff, then proceeded to alert people to my body as a mothroach. This occured on a standard MRP round.
What Lead Up to the Ban: I got admin messaged by Ze_SpyRo for doing this, and was then cluwned. I did not deny that I did this, and admitted to my wrongdoing before a ban was even mentioned.
Why I Should be Unbanned: I can't in good faith promise that this will never happen again, but I do have a strategy to make it far less likely to happen. I've noticed that on days when I don't take my ADHD meds, I get far more warnings and ahelps. Additionally, the only times I've been banned are days where I've forgotten to take them. Thus my plan is to only play after making sure I've taken my meds. It's entirely my fault if I don't take my meds, so if I ever claim that I was off my meds as the reason I should be unbanned, please disregard it, because it's not fair to the admins nor to other players for me to get special privileges over this. I will also work on being more conscientious about the rules, my responsibilities, and of what makes sense in terms of roleplay through my characters.