Your SS14 Username: rotty
Banning Admin's Username: Pankeku
Role Ban or Server Ban: Server Ban
Round ID (if applicable): idk (3575?)
Reason for Ban: "[Intentional Mass Sabotage] [Unreasonable Inompetence in Role]
Experimented with the SM by purposely overclocking it and reaching 75 rads. This caused the radiation wave from the SM to reach to TWO departments which also caused 5 deaths with 2 of them being unrevivable due to the amount of radiation damage they had. You have also attempted this in the course of different rounds.
What lead up to the ban:
Me and Erisia attempted to reach the maximum amount of rads possible in a round, we started with getting our setup ready, and once it was done, we alerted the crew to not come close to engineering at all.
after it hit around 50 rads we shut it down immediately due to crew complaints,
(got arrested for being a possible ling, cooperated and gave sec my blood)
after this the CE arrived at the station, giving us the OK to continue testing.
and so we did after placing anti-radiation countermeasures.
we reached a peak of 75 rads and some must've leaked and killed 5, rr'ed 2.
after this we shutdown the engine, i turned myself in for indirect manslaughter of many people and logged off in perma.
Why you should be unbanned:
First, Unreasonable incompetence doesnt sit right with me because the CE gave us the ok to continue testing the SM
we also DID shutdown the engine everytime the radiation leak was too strong (keep in mind if you wish to see the replay of this round, we took extensive precautions and measures, made airlocks, placed plasma windows all over the engineering hallway, placed extra walls in the bar (weakspot) we even went to the point of adding geiger counters outside engineering to alert the crew incase of a radiation leak, we ALSO screamed in the radio MANY times to not come close to engineering, if my mind doesnt fail me, one of the RR'ed was a cadet stumbling around in ENGI maints. (ALSO keep in mind RR'ed people can be borged or EVEN cloned)
Second, Intentional Mass Sabotage, this one also confuses me because, we cant experiment with the SM anymore??, the ban reason states that i have attempted this in different rounds which is correct, i like playing around with the supermatter and i feel like we got banned for being too good at making one, not even once the SM came close to delamming.
We used ALL our tools possible to reinforce engineering hallways due to the known problem with radiation, however, this wasnt enough and it still killed people, (the SM in packed has MANY uranium windows with radiation shields)
an entire week for something that couldve been dealt IC is alot, i understand people got RR'ed but we tried to prevent this with the CE and we failed.
there is simply no kind of structure that shields from this amount of radiation (however icepick has recently pull requested uranium walls)
however at this specific round we worked with what we had and tried to prevent further death.