Your SS14 Username:
Admin's In-Game Username: laaudish (I think? In game it had an L or uppercase i)
Round ID (if applicable):
Not sure but the round was on last sunday
Reason for Complaint:
I was a syndicate the round I'm mentioning and it wasn't a long round due to the supermatter going ballistic. I'm not really good at antag roles 100% yet because I've never gotten it in other servers before. I was accused for mass rdm (which is my main concern) after finding and attempting to kill my target who was in an evac pod (not the shuttle). I decided to place a turret toolbox in front of the only way out of it which killed everyone inside and I threw a c4 to confirm the target's death. I was panicked somewhat because I had to go out for dinner and I couldn't find an escape ship (like the shuttle or another pod) and then I found one and the round ended with me not making it to center com.(I am leaving some stuff out because I understand the reason for it and some stuff isn't important.) I left quickly to go and came back to check on the server and was banned for mass rdm (and another charge which I understood why) until the next day. Next day comes around and I discuss it with another admin in ahelp. I really should've opened a claim sooner because my memory is all foggy. They were confused on the subject and helped me understand some yes and no to antag roles. From their explanation they told me I can do what I did if I was going for my target but unnecessary killing isn't allowed which I understood. I can't remember who helped me but their name started with an M I think in ahelp. They told me to open a ticket to further discuss it and a few days later I do. I just want to discuss some tips and rules for syndicates and see why I was in the wrong. (Also the ban screen said that I was a traitor and not a syndicate so that also confused me a bit.)