Your SS14 Username: Mavis
Banning Admin's Username: oBerry
Role Ban or Server Ban: Server Ban (12 hours)
Round ID (if applicable): Unsure on the round ID
Reason for Ban: "Suicided 5 minutes into the round. Antag rolling and/or NITR"
What lead up to the ban: Within a few minutes of the round starting, we got a Console and AI announcement that an engineer had walked into the SM and killed themselves. I was playing one of two doctors without a chemist in our department. CMO asked if we had chemistry experience and the other doctor didn't sound very confident in their abilities to do so. Pretty soon after that the entire station lost power and I was going to go to cryo. Unfortunately it was bagel station, where medical is in the bottom right, and cryo is in the top left of the station. I didn't have the mental energy to walk through all of those unpowered doors, but I walked past a microwave that was calling my name like an angel in the night.
Why you should be unbanned: While it's impossible to prove that I wasn't antag rolling, I hope that my reasoning above is at least enough to support my request that it not be seen as antag rolling. As for what NITR is, I've never heard of that and don't know how to defend against it. But whatever it is, I didn't round remove myself for any malicious reason.
And while the ban is only for twelve hours, I have no desire to have it on a permanent record of any sort.
Thanks, Mavis.