Your SS14 Username: SlimSlam
Banning Admin's Username: Miiish
Role Ban or Server Ban: Server
Round ID (if applicable): 681
Reason for Ban: 🙁 By Miish
What lead up to the ban: I had joined the Funky MRP server a long time ago and I messed around with the APE a little bit I think I at most would just drag it away from the RD. They ended up killing me as far as I remember and then when I took a closet skeleton ghost role I spawned inside Security and geared up and then started killing people and the admins had used commands to make me a pacifist and when I aHelped asking why they did that they acted like they had no idea what was going on and just tried playing stupid with me. I then had said some not very kind words in the aHelp and was banned for it.
Why you should be unbanned: It's been a long time and I was new to the game. I didnt really care or think about what I said on any server back then but now I do. I respect other forks a ton now that I actually contribute a little myself. I've played the game way more and I am sorry. I should have made an admin report on the person for abusing admin commands instead of saying what I did. There really isn't an excuse but I'd like a second chance on playing. I would also need to be unbanned from the discord if this is accepted which my username on discord is toasterstrudels