Your SS14 Username: Crewguy/hulkoff_enjoyer
Banning Admin's Username: oBerry
Role Ban or Server Ban: Server Ban
Reason for Ban: leaving during ahelp for rdm
Why you should be unbanned: I share a steam account with my younger brother. He did it (his account is hulkoff_enjoyer). I was also banned. I was not home/playing when this happened, but he told me what happened (I explain bellow what he told me). He left during ahelp because he had to leave for school. If you unban us I will make sure he respects ahelp and incidents such as this are removed. If you unban us and they repeat I can only apologize. But please take it into consideration.
What lead up to the ban: A crew members was killed by hulkoff_enjoyer. He(my brother) told me that he was syndie, the crew member he had killed had said a code word by happen stance. hulkoff_enjoyer though the crew member was a fellow syndie so he told him his objectives, when hulkoff_enjoyer realized his mistakes he decided to kill him.