April_21_1930 I think that the AI should be able to “take control” of unattended mechs. It would be super cool, and would allow the AI to play a more direct role during power outages and such. It would be a fairly small change too.
Niklaz So how it worked in SS13 was that you could install a certain board into a borg and that would allow for the AI to take over at will. We can have that for both borgs and mechs, I think it would be sick.
zwadstheiguana Niklaz There's a server that I'm on in 13 where the AI can even take control of just any blank cyborg (I.E. one that doesn't have a brain in it yet) So if the robotist makes a ton of shells but doesn't have enough brains/posis to put inside of the the shells then the AI could take them over in times of crysis or to fill gaps