So there was a thing I saw in SS13, more specifically TG, where one can make an AI core and put a brain in (an MMI) or an artificial brain, making that individual an AI. I want that. Concerns that should be addressed however if such a feature is implemented is how people might use this to get someone with practically all access and having 10 different AIs able to open close doors, make announcements and such. To avoid that I suggest that for the AI to be able to get access to things like opening doors and interacting with objects on the station the AI must be placed on top of a specific tile located at the AI sat (the tile on which the AI spawns). That tile will work as a connection allowing the AI to fully use their abilities when anchored on it. Putting laws in a newly made AI will just be as simple as connecting a laws computer with the AI directly with a multitool, any law board inserted will be that AIs lawset. Maybe give cap an extra board of that computer. Science could also be able to unlock the crafting of AI cores, the tile that allows the AI to be connected to the station along with the laws computer through T3 science research.