Your SS14 Username: Andle
Admin's In-Game Username: Agentfennec
Round ID (if applicable): 2919
Reason for Complaint:
Mishandling of the situation that took place prior to the Roleban alongside very notably passive aggressiveness during conversation both in AHELP and the note placed on my account.

Andle: Sorry. Game crashed.
Andle: To clarify.
Andle: 1: Yes. I think I went a bit too far but I also reacted IC. Being called a Syndie Sympathizer is honestly a huge fucking insult to Nyatasha.
Andle: 2: I actually followed that. Emergency was only over once evac launched though.
Andle: My bad. I got lost in the moment.
Andle: I also might have forgot I used razorine not just heartbreaker in the hypo
Andle: Sorry Fennec!
Agentfennec: you were confidently incorrect enough to assault the NT rep, and that's not a believable character motivation
Andle: Anger is massive factor for Nyatasha. She is actively a spiteful person.
Agentfennec: you've already been noted over similar crap yesterday. you've netted a 7d command roleban, any questions?
Andle: What?
Andle: What crap yesterday???
Agentfennec: 2 days ago* sorry. but really, this isn't acceptable esp. on MRP
Andle: what similar crap two days ago???
Andle: I don't see the note in question.
Agentfennec: some notes are secret.
Andle: Additionally that situation was specifically handled in Discord due to some issues.
Andle: I think the Command Ban is too far since I was just trying to RP
Agentfennec: "RP" doesn't mean literal murder, rule 9 still applies.
Agentfennec: Roleplay means you escalate
Andle: I do agree it's my bad on this front. I overreacted IC. Honestly I need to get better at escalation rules in the heat of the moment.
Andle: Still, if you wanna uphold the command ban that's fine but I'm just not gonna play for seven days.
Andle: Since I don't really feel it's... Fair considering everything.
Andle: Also I am still not sure what situation you're even referring to two days ago.
Andle: Also.
Andle: I strongly disagree with your judgement on it being on "after emergency"
Andle: Once Evac launched, I took it off instantly.
Andle: I only kept it on until Evac took off.
Andle: Because keep in mind, span between taking out the Lone Op and evac was less than two minutes.
Andle: It is entirely reasonable to still worry about a threat then.
Agentfennec: look, that's the lesser problem. please, don't argue back and just appeal the ban on the forums, that same exact note had "argues with admins" and we don't need to tolerate it.
Andle: Okay.