Hello, our community guidelines are similar to the ones on our Discord.
No NSFW of any kind. Even suggestive material will be removed and will result in a ban.
Do not talk about another servers admins. You can talk about your bans, but do not go out of your way to mention the name of another admin or encourage others to harass an admin by implying who it was. This will result in an immediate ban.
Do not discuss current round information.
Do not send malicious or obfuscated links. Whatever you are linking should be made absolutely clear.
No politics.
If you are appealing a ban, do not harass members or staff members that may or may not have been involved.
Do not post unnecessary information on a ban appeal.
These guidelines are subject to change at any time, although an announcement will be made prior. Forum staff can take action for any reason. If you feel it was unfair, you may make a complaint using the forum.