Your SS14 Username: BenjaminKayEight

Banning Admin's Username: Pankeku

Role Ban or Server Ban: 7 day role ban from command and ert/ NT roles

Round ID (if applicable): 2931

Reason for 7 day role Ban:
"Small overescalation as Captain by lethaling someone without following proper escalation rules. Youre not supposed to suddenly attack someone for no reason. Although i dont blame you for doing so its is still overescalation. Please read and follow proper sop and spacelaw guidelines during the duration of your roleban before playing captain or command once again as youve already been rolebanned before from command (For different reasons). As this is your third command roleban you will be banned for 7 days

What lead up to the ban: Crew Insurrection:
I was a late join captain and everything was chil. the crew were back and forth salvaging, i cleaned up the station and repaird doors, healed people up who went ssd and was in the middle of a building project at the back of the ship when non-antag salvager "Derf" comes up and declares that they arnt following my orders, that they outrank me now and want to fight me for control of the station. I obviously say no as this is against the self antag rules and crew can only oust a captain when they seriously fucked up and id done nothing.

then i rentered the ship and saw the door to sec broken open and them technically secure tresspassing but i let that slide however they went into the captains room so i asked that they not do that. they then repeated plainly that they were not listening to my orders and now outrank me and are the captain now. I see that as clearly insurrection and traitorous behaviour. they were infront of me with support from "Erisia", they were armed and armoured and i only had my pistol or my sword on me and did not think i would survive trying to grab a stun baton from the looted sec room so pistol it was.

So i said "very well" pulled out my pistol and tried to shoot them as they shot back at me. Erisia then helped them shoot me (another non antag crew, they should help the cap or run not shoot) and took my things and arrested me. I then submitted an A Help for them self antaging.

After the round the admin oberry said it was over-escalation and that anyone else would get a roleban for it.(i disagree that it was over escalation and if an armed individual said they were the captain now that pretty clear escalation and insurrection thus you should incapacitate them however you can (i would have revived and jailed them after going crit)

Why you should be unbanned:
Multiple reasons tbh. including parts mentioned above
Firstly i think what i did was 90% warranted.

the admin who banned me even called it small and said they didnt blame me. although i strongly disagree with parts of the ban message such as "for no reason". in literal real life police would have fired lethals in this situation.

First of all a 7 day role ban is absolute bs. especially because of this line in the ban message: "Youre not supposed to suddenly attack someone for no reason. Although i dont blame you for doing so."
If you dont blame me for doing so and it was within rp why am i banned and why for 7 days and all roles and not just say a day for that one role??? along side "small overescalation by leathaling someone all of a sudden with no proper escalation"

last line that was missed was supposed to highlight the fact it was a small over escalation which is debatable and that it should admost get a warning not a 7 day bloody roleban when it was basically a greenshift and someone suddenly tries to take over the station. Absolutely ridiculous honestly and i hope that Erisia and Derf the actual rulebreakers were dealt with

Icepick you were saying?. Its been 5 days and my last appeal never got a response either and now the weekends over aka primary play time.

Hi, I'll be handling your appeal.

Due to the manner in which the ban was applied and general admin consensus regarding verdicts like these, I'll be going ahead and removing the ban.

As for the time it took to process this ban, we will be looking into how to notify game admins for appeals like these more efficiently. Do keep in mind however that ban appeals typically warrant a round review, and viewing a replay in its entirety is a very lengthy process.

If you have anything else please let me know.

taydeo locked the discussion .