Your Discord Username: 1anaverageguy (commonly known as John Space)
Admin's Usernames: ze_spyro, o_berry, basically all the admins involved in my banning.
Reason for Complaint: Multiple reasons, I'll get into it.
1. False Banning
First off, to make things clear, this is not a ban appeal. Frankly with how toxic mrp is and how biased and metafriended the admins are, I'd really rather not come back unless massive changes are done to prevent personal attacks on me. So, why am I talking about my ban then? My ban plays an important part in what really wasn't an actual ban, but more of just a reason to remove me because they personally didn't like me. So first off, I didn't break any server rules. While yes, I did mention greymaria in a message when I got back, I wasn't aware of this rule and tay had the rules hidden, as you can see here in this screenshot.
However, this wasn't the reason for my banning, and taydeo confirmed it was just for ragebaiting. This doesn't explain why I was banned, since there really isn't a rule against me making jokes. There is rule 1, for breaking discord TOS and harrassing users, which one could argue with it saying it saying that I was indeed. And honestly, despite it being jokes, I can understand this. As a matter of fact, when I was told to stop by tay I did, and just instead decided to only troll tay. I figured this was fine since tay was my friend, but apparently the mrpmins did not vibe with me insulting their great leader. Now, there is also this final rule at the bottom here
This is what I assume they did to me, as I can confirm from tay they did hold a vote to ban me or something like that. Honestly, I would agree with this ban. HOWEVER, as it would turn out, the MRP admins have already been breaking rule 1 even before I ever did. How can I accept a ban when all I did was make jokes (I have always made it very clear I'm joking, tay has stood up for me on this point.), while these guys get away with harassing me and users until they leave the entire server?

2. Admins have literally harassed me
This is the main meat of the admin complaint here, because these admins have done absolutely wild shit, ranging from harassing users straight up, to ignoring when the harassment happens since their metafriends are the ones doing it. I'd really not have much of a problem with it, if they weren't hypocrites and have done worse shit than I ever did with my jokes (which again, I make it pretty fucking clear its all jokes and I stop when I'm told to). So, first things first, the admins clearly hate me. Now as it turns out, ze has DELETED one or two messages of them really ripping into me in the mrp chat where I can't see them, so I can't prove any of that sadly, however we still have a lot of messages that are just straight up targeted harassment. First off is them slandering me over something I didn't do, I wouldn't abuse my maintainer powers to do a thing like this.
Here's another where they basically call me a toxin 
and this one explains itself

Sure, these COULD be jokes, and I'd be fine if they were, but when I get banned for jokes, they should be banned too. Especially since, they aren't my fucking friend and never made it clear if these ARE jokes. There's no doubt in my mind that they only banned me because of a personal issue. Especially near the end here. Keep in mind I was only joking around with tay. I stopped when I was told to stop and yet, despite the facts, they ignored it just to add on this
Now these are the only times they've directly attacked me, which isn't all that bad. Frankly I don't mind getting insulted I don't hold any grudges like they do. Hell sometimes its even funny, there's literally a sticker of them ragebaiting me. But when I get banned for ragebaiting, and you have a sticker of someone ragebaiting, it isn't exactly really fair now is it? Now there are still times where admins have mocked me via reactions or other times where they've made small snide remarks, but I'm working with limited resources, as I only have screenshots that I've saved beforehand. All in all, the mrpmins have shown a clear bias against me, and honestly, they should not objectively be banning me when they've straight up done worse shit. However, once again, I don't care what they say about me, HOWEVER, they have let people get harassed up until the point they leave the entire server.
3. Toxic mrp chat and admin inaction
Throughout the entire time of the mrp chat being up, the admins, especially the metafriended mrp ones, have done absolutely nothing against the harassment of other users. So much targeted harassment that one of my close friends had to leave the server entirely because the admins did jack shit to stop it, and even aided in letting them get harassed. So first off, the mrp chat fucking hates lrp, like extremely so. I did my part in making sure they got along, and while it is way better now, in the past the admins have shown a large hesitation in making any sort of action against this, or borderline non existent actions. Hell I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who even gets muted for my VERY CLEAR jokes THAT I WOULD STOP if you ASKED. Anyways, 
We start off with the harassment right here, as you can tell, oberry obviously knows that this, is indeed, some high tier harassment. 
Here it starts to pick up

Then we have a tiny little "erm please stop". Keep in mind, no time outs were handed out, because literally a tiny bit later, they keep fucking doing it.

literally the same fucking person doing it

admins literally bantering during this, not even doing anything.

During all of this, all the other admins quite literally did nothing. Some might have been offline, but seriously, fucking nothing was done despite all this shit happening. How come its only an issue when jokes are lined up at one of your mrp metafriends, but barely an issue if lrp players are non jokingly harassed and insulted.
Now, with the way the screenshots are, I can understand some people not believing me. If you don't, mrp literally has all the logs you need, take a look at what the admins did to take action. Now this doesn't include mish and tay, they have both actually done shit, which you'll see in my second section here. A little bit of backstory, a friend of mine plays on mrp a lot. However, everytime they do any sort of funny joke, mrp players start fucking malding like children in the mrp chat about how much they hate them. This is no doubt harassment, and to prove it I will bring up one of the biggest points of this shit right now. (Name of my friend will be blacked out just for their sake, I know mrp players will try to attack me and them after this)

Here we have o_berry not punishing any of them for targeting harassment towards my friend, but instead trying to punish them in-game. Now it isn't that bad here, I can forgive oberry for this as they might just be trying to help calm them down, but it just gets fucking worse

It just gets worse, no warns are even given out by oberry or ANY of the mrp admins.
Here we even have an example of someone literally ADMITTING to a rulebreak, but no admin doing anything against it too

Finally, tay and mish steps in to stop this shit

Best part of all this, despite me only making harmless jokes, I'm the only one who seems to suffer any sort of punishment for this shit. I can't even think how these admins think that this isn't ban worthy, but me making fat jokes at tay (WHICH IS WHAT WE DO ALL THE FUCKING TIME ITS HOW WE TALK) is somehow harassing players. Now yeah, I admit to ragebait, but I do it in a manner where I come off as a fucking clown, I do it only to make jokes, and the only person I really do hope to make fun of is literally myself. This is a far cry from this nonstop harassment directed to my friend with a bunch of the mrp members. I feel like they're only safe because the mrpmins are vouching for them. Anyways, it doesn't stop here as my friend still gets harassed time and time again in the mrp chat.

and finally, after all this fucking harassment towards them, they had to leave the server. The admins did fucking nothing to stop this, and all I could do was try and help them and tell tay as they got constantly harassed. I don't give a fuck about me getting banned, nor do I care if they insulted me, but they went as far as to ignore actual targeted harassment just because the people doing it are their mrp metafriends. Anyways that's all I'd really like to talk about in this section, there's piles of harassment screenshots I have and honestly, it's insane how bad they've let it slide.
4. Final statement
Look, I understand getting banned for ragebaiting. I'm a prick, and while it is all jokes, I don't do it with the intent of taking someone down, these admins have done far worse in my eyes, and even let a close friend basically get bullied off the discord server. If you want to play discord admin and smite me down, sure, but take an actual active effort on everyone, not just someone you hate like me. This server has been devolving in the past few months, and honestly, I've been the one trying to keep it alive. However, I can tell that my time here is past, as none of the admins were ever here at the start, all the new ones have it out for me (including admin abusing me on mrp (I'm not going into it here however as this is discord only)). I feel like my ban was complete personal bias, and if you can't agree with that, you can at least agree with this targeted harassment shit needs to stop. I've let this shit slide too, I feel like its my fault a lot of the older players are leaving, and honestly it doesn't seem like it's ever going to get better. I'm going to take genetics probably to another better server where the admins don't ban me over personal issues and let their friends directly attack people who I know.
tldr: John Space gets banned for being a troll, admins do worse, mrp do worse and they don't get any repercussions for their actions and shit needs to change.
Stay funky, John Space out.