Hestia Riverwood
Don't post unless you have anything substantial to add
I wanted to clarify some things since it's rare for players to get a perspective from the admin side of things.
Typing on my phone during a lunch break so there may be some typos, bear with me
This occurred during a round, 40 pop on LRP Cirno with about 75% of that being completely brand new players and/or people who have never played Funky before.
That being the case, there's a lot of new people I have to keep an eye on to stop major roundending events like singulooses and such. The round before had about 3 or 4 raider bans on account of all the new players (which is why you saw several cluwne smites) so I had it set to Secret Extended to better weed out bad actors - hence the boring lack of antags you noted.
The clown in question I received an ahelp about from the second poster here, who I'll get to in a moment. Got HoS access and proceeded to distribute disablers to the crew. NOW: if the individual in question had no previous notes, this is something I'd probably just warn them about because it's being a nuisance as a clown which is to be expected. However, the individual in question who shall remain nameless has received multiple warnings and notes for self-antagonistic behavior, so I pop a cluwne smite, which you so gratefully took and beat them to death as you noted. They were not banned for this as the smite was punishment enough
It's easier said then done when referring to handling situations in character. While this is the ideal the staff team is generally going for, it's not always possible and is much easier in a few cases, like an MRP server where things are generally a bit less chaotic, and a situation in which my attention is not dragged 20 different directions.
Horselady, as for the smite when you were blocking evac, yeah - blocking evac is only really fun for the person doing it, and if you're doing it as a nonantagonist expect to be blown up. You did not receive a warning for this.
That all being said, if you feel this does not address the admin complaint sufficiently feel free to reply and I'll have one of my senior admins look at the rounds in question and let me know if I went too far.