Automatic Employee Data File for "Spongiform Websley"
Employee Name: Spongiform Websley
Employee Species: Arachnid
Employee Age: 21
Employee Gender: N/A
Cloning Status: true
Known Aliases: Spongi
, Sponge
Known Affiliations: Nanotrasen
Automatic Compiled Medical Records
Spongiform Websley was seen by a currently unknown Geneticist, in an attempt to fix DNA scrambling caused by Changeling. Due to the use of untested, experimental treatment, Spongiform Websley suffered many injuries such as Blindness and Narcolepsy, which had to be cured on station.
Spongiform Websley was seen by Chief Medical Officer "Silas Ahas", due to "feeling slow". After questioning, Silas Ahas offered cloning services to Spongiform Websley, which it accepted, and had incomplete genetic material sent to Central Command for processing. Due to artifacting caused by a lack of genetic material, some incomplete or "inaccurate" clones have been produced, which are being tracked at this time.
Automatic Compiled Testimonials from Associates
Employee Name and Occupation: Burns-In-Acid, position fill-in.
Employee Testimonial:
Additional notes : When later questioned on the meaning of the testimonial, employee chose not to comment.
No further data.