Your SS14 Username: DX_K9937
Banning Admin's Username:CubicalLeaf
Role Ban or Server Ban: Engineering department role ban
Round ID (if applicable):MRP1 #3249
Reason for Ban: Incompetentcy and end of round griefing.
What lead up to the ban:Brought a frezon onto EVAC for no explained reasons and told another atoms to anchor it. caused a lot of people to die.
Why you should be unbanned: I take the ban actually but I want to clarify that I brought the frezon tank for selling and I already sell like 4-5 tank to cargo.It a some kind of roleplay reason and admin haven't ask why in ahelp. Also the another acting engineer should know it is frezon since I gave him a gas analyzer to see before evac arrived. I think the only fault I make is telling him to anchor the tank.