Your SS14 Username: willbgaming

Admin's In-Game Username: laaudish

Reason for Complaint: This user has been extremely unreasonable in admin chats, unaware of some server rules (and continuing to argue even after having a rule directly quoted to them) for seemingly no reason.

Incident #1: I put a clown into crit after he stole my ghost toy. The clown had been following me around for several minutes, asking me to give him the toy, until he finally caught me standing still for too long, and was able to take it off of me. I pulled out a shovel and said "MINE." He said "No." I hit him with the shovel once. He said "You stole it." I hit him again. I wait for a response. He says "Hey," and begins to walk away, so I attack him until he goes into crit and take the ghost toy off of him, and do not interfere when a bystander drags him into medbay. I get an admin message from laaudish who asks why I put the clown into crit. The entire chatlog is visible in the images.

Incident #2: I spawn as "Skits Frenic" and am immediately sent an admin message by the same user. The entire chatlog is visible in the images. I find this one especially immature and frustrating, given the context of other names of players at the time: "Silk Architect," "Trash Compactor," and "Halogen" were just a few names that seemed just as if not more absurd than "Skits Frenic." Also, after arguing, the admin changed my last name to "Reynard," instead of nothing as requested, which makes me feel less like they care about creating a good roleplay experience and more just showing off their power. I can't think of a single other reason to give me a last name after this chat.

Glossing over you telling on yourself, personally i think the name Skits Frenic can be tentatively considered mildly offensive. So whether or not its silly I find that reason enough to be asked to change it. Maybe I'm too woke or friends with too many people who suffer from schizophrenia but I would definitely consider ahelping it if i saw the name.

    juno I am not upset that I was asked to change Skits Frenic. I am upset that the admin was incapable of letting me have no last name, understanding the server rules, or being consistent with their judgement and enforcing this same rule on the other people with ridiculous OOC names.

    Hi, I'm going over this.

    The name Skits Frenic is not disallowed because it is absurd (you noted the other absurd names which ARE explicitly allowed because they're cool and funny!) The reason Skits Frenic is not allowed is because of the explicit on-the-nose reference to schizophrenia which is not allowed.

    I understand, but I still think the admin mishandled this situation. They blatantly didn't know the server rules that they're meant to enforce and continued to push even after I quoted from the rules. When it was over, they continued to assert power and give me a random last name instead of just accepting my request.

    As for the previous complaint of arguing back in ahelps - that's our job, this was fully within rules. This is how I would enforce escalation rules and how I would tell any other admin to handle it. They told you what to do and why.

    As far as I'm concerned this was all completely reasonable and within server rules. If you disagree, please quote to me what server rules you think Laaudish needs to learn.

    Look at the second image. They tell me three times that I need a last name, when the rules very explicitly say the opposite. When they finally realize this, they simply say "Ok" and give me a last name anyway.

    Looks like they determined 'Skits' didn't sound alien enough.

    kind of absurd that they can just decide what my name is because they don't like it

    'Skits Frenic' is not an acceptable name and if you can't see why I think we can consider the complaint closed

    Mish locked the discussion .