Your SS14 Username: MiniMelt
Banning Admin's Username: Miiish
Role Ban or Server Ban: Role
Round ID (if applicable): 3501
Reason for Ban: Generally problematic as command. This roleban is placed as the culmination of a plethora of notes, adminhelps, and previous rolebans from this server.

What lead up to the ban:

I ahelped due to a detective player repeatedly going out of their way to try to arrest command.
In a previous round they had lied about HoS demanding my arrest for something that was untrue and was also settled by HoS over half an hour ago.
They were given a pass by tay for being new and I understood, but I ran into them doing the same behavior later.

  • Early into a round they went out of their way to barge into bridge to arrest HoP for a sec knife.
  • Kept insisting it was contraband and they need to arrest HoP for it.
  • (HoP has sec access and can appoint sec, don't really get the issue)
  • I told them to chill out and that I am allowing HoP to have it.
  • They keep insisting they still need to take it.
  • I ahelp this because I'm realizing this person seems to just want to arrest command and that their previous lie about what HoS said was intentional to get command arrested.
  • Admins said that they prefer to deal with this in rp for now and that they should be able to work it out.
  • Eventually they start demanding to see a permit for it.
  • I said they don't need a permit, they have me talking to them and telling them it's OK to their face.
  • They still break into bridge with a janitor borg and try to arrest HoP near 10 minutes later.
  • HoP asks if we can demote detective.
  • I agree and arrest them to demote them. (We only had a warden otherwise, so nobody to do it)
  • I ahelp again and confirm what I had to do and why.
  • Admin understands, but I try to make it clear that this person is a repeat issue with this specific abuse of sec to start shit with command.
  • oBerry chimes in and says I should have just made a permit and it wouldn't have been an issue.
  • I said I don't want to write a permit and there's no need because in-person I told the detective to stop harassing HoP over a knife.
  • Tay eventually chimes in and clarifies that since it's handled IC it shouldn't need to be discussed anymore.
  • I drop it.
  • Suddenly, CentComm is demanding I write a full report about the thing I just extensively ahelped about.
  • The Centcomm in question was oBerry.
  • This was a clear act of making me fill out a form because I didn't want to previously fill out a form as I shared in ahelp I feel that forms detract from player interaction.
  • I asked NT Rep if they would fill it out as my wrists were hurting.
  • NT Rep refuses, says it's my job to write the report.
  • I point out their role in communicating with Centcomm and share I'm happy to tell them about it or call centcomm, but that I was not going to write the report as I had other work to do.
  • Later I come back and am given a new fax stating I have to write the report or will be terminated.
  • I oblige the offer and hand in my positions and become a tider.
  • I ahelp to complain about this weird abuse of forcing me to write a report on the thing I just ahelped about.
  • oBerry was an admin participating in that and was pushing me to write form, and then used their CentComm privileges to force me to either write a report or quit.
  • Another admin steps in and confirms that I am OK to resign as it was in-roleplay and Centcomm gave me the offer.
  • I cryosleep because I didn't feel comfortable playing while being targeted like this.

Why you should be unbanned:

First, my only other roleban is because a group of people ahelped me for promoting a skeleton to bridge access as part of a roleplayed out peace treaty. Even Laaudish at the time acknowledged this was solely because of people ahelping me.

Second, I know I can push boundaries but I genuinely listen to admins and followed the advice and rules I got here. Problem being, I was getting conflicting feedback from multiple admins and told ultimately I do not have to write permits, but without doing so can cause problems.

Nobody dealt with the serial command antagonizing detective.

I didn't break any rules as admins told me I was OK to resign and as I was no longer command, I was allowed to cryosleep.
I was the one that ahelped this entire situation to begin with because of someone else causing issues.
I followed admin instructions and handled everything in RP and was told that resigning due to Centcomm's order was fine.

In the past few days I've been arrested by sec as command more and more despite not breaking any laws, just because they disagree with my choices that were later vindicated.
I apologize for being upset about that, but the detective doing this wasn't even checking for a permit to begin with.

Captain isn't exactly my first choice either, but when it's open I end up filling it a lot because I can go between and help out several people and I genuinely like building fun roleplay for others which Captain lets me achieve. My goal isn't to hurt other people's RP, but to give people the ability to do more.

I get that ends up breaking a few boundaries sometimes, but I do learn from those and improve.

This last thing to remove me from the role didn't rulebreak anything and I had full permission from the admins at the time to leave. I apologize for the tension with my feelings on the issue as ultimately I should have made an admin complaint instead of continuing it in ahelp.

    I should note one thing: I am pretty sure the detective was a headrev. That is all

      To my understanding they were made rev after this, but either way writing a form here wouldn't have helped

      Adding to this that NTR's job is to do reports.
      Centcomm specifically demanded I do a report though, and Rikta refused to help.
      Centcomm was oBerry which is the same admin that was on my case for not filling out a form.
      To me, it feels like a very direct case of revenge by making me write a report in return for not wanting to write a different form before.

        Hey, Jean Claude here

        From what I've seen on the replay of the round in question, you engage in a few different ways that ultimately go against the rules of Funky Station. Additionally, I have a few points to make regarding the ban appeal.

        • First to address your points. It's appropriate, and expected, that if you're going to approve something like giving the HoP a controlled (contraband) item in general, you should notify security and document this. It allows for any change in command, or security, to know that's why they have that contraband. You were confronted about this in an appropriate way by a member of security, in character. Your reaction as Captain, was to escalate the situation. You did not have genuine conversations with the detective. You made a statement, and then would proceed to walk off. When the detective was taking reasonable action to arrest the HoP, you gave them no warning, used a disabler to stun, promptly cuffed and pulled them to the HoP desk. You then proceeded to grab their PDA from them, toss it to the HoP, demoted them, and stripped them in the middle of the hallways. You make the claim that the HoP requested to demote them, however, you gave a clear order to do so in the replay. They proceeded to ask you if they should be demoted to grey, and you replied with a clear yes, grey. To add to this, you also metagruged, when you stated in Command Comms, that they have a habit for arresting heads. Regarding the request from Central Command to fill out a report, that was once again, an in character interaction. You proceeded to avoid this. How? The letter stated to turn in a report, or face termination. You state " force me to either write a report or quit." while the letter states " or be terminated"

        • To move forward, this is my personal opinion, and doesn't reflect Funky staff as a whole. Frankly, from what I have seen of the replay, and what I have seen of your behavior overall on the server, I would personally vote against your ban appeal, and I think it's entirely warranted. The behavior you exhibited in that round overall, displays a disregard for what a captain of a Nanotrasen Station should be. You failed to properly communicate, address, or perform the responsibilities of your command position. The replay has shown you going and roaming around maintenance aimlessly, going to the exterior of the station needlessly. It has shown you as captain, briefly address a concern that security, and the detective in particular, had regarding a contraband item. You needlessly, and consequently violated, our rules regarding escalation, SoPs, and more. In rounds as both an admin, and playing, the way you have acted in your positions fall short of the expectations for MRP.

        • In the end of the day, you have demonstrated repeated offenses, documented through notes, ahelps, and rolebans as stated in the ban reason. You have every right, ability, and choice to do a ban appeal. I think you should consider what you yourself have stated in the past. You have complained about a lack of in character action, in comparison to OOC action. You received plenty of in character reaction in this situation, and at a valid and reasonable level. Your response was instead abysmal, rather OOC decision making and action in my opinion, and ultimately lackluster. Ultimately, if you can demonstrate, and prove, an improvement in your RP, and behavior, I would be willing to vote to give you a second chance to come back, but until then, I will vote no for this.

        Hi, Ze_SpyRo here to chime in.

        I was the NTR that round and witnessed most (but not all) of the events being described in this ban appeal.

        Many Captains (and Wardens) have been known to allow unauthorized personnel to take basic Security contraband for their own safety on Green, when it is not technically permitted. This is not necessarily problematic on its own. The correct way to handle this is to write a permit and stamp it, giving documented evidence of the allowance you made -- this is Nanotrasen after all, and Nanotrasen loves its paperwork. This step is, understandably, considered to be no more than "red tape" by many, and many such Captains (and Wardens) do not strictly follow this requirement. However, when the person with the contraband is challenged and is unable to produce official paperwork, it is not unresonable for them to request that the Captain draft said paperwork. The Captain's ability to get away with only verbally allowing otherwise-illegal behavior stops when other people whose jobs it is to investigate crimes request that paperwork. OOC, this is simply an enforcement of a sometimes-ignored basic requirement of the Captaincy job. IC, this is a player attempting to resolve a conflict bureaucratically, as Central Command would expect, in order to cover themselves from liability. A Detective's refusal to ignore a crime being committed without proper paperwork is not grounds to shoot, arrest, publically strip, and fire a member of the Security team on Green, minutes into the shift.

        To use your own words, you believe should be unbanned because, "I genuinely listen to admins and followed the advice and rules I got here." I will now break down the series of events that unfolded after your conflict with the Detective and the following decisions that you made, also using your own words.

        The Real Horselady oBerry chimes in and says I should have just made a permit
        The Real Horselady I said I don't want to write a permit

        The Real Horselady Suddenly, CentComm is demanding I write a full report
        The Real Horselady I feel that forms detract from player interaction

        The Real Horselady I come back and am given a new fax stating I have to write the report or will be terminated.
        The Real Horselady I ahelp to complain about this weird abuse of forcing me to write a report

        The Real Horselady I cryosleep because I didn't feel comfortable playing while being targeted like this.

        You then describe the above events as,

        The Real Horselady a very direct case of revenge by making me write a report

        All the stuff with the Detective aside, writing reports when asked is part of your job as Captain. Being asked to write a report as Captain, about an incident that resulted in a Security team member being terminated, is not revenge. That is your job. Furthermore, it is not the Nanotrasen Representative's job to write your CC-requested testimony for you.

        Your behavior over the course of this round, and past rounds evidenced by your history of notes, indicates that you are generally unwilling to follow instructions when told what to do by higher authorities as Captain. This, to me, justifies the roleban, as Captains (as well as NTRs) are expected to be able to do their jobs when asked to by Central Command.

        I am not making a final ruling on this appeal. There will be an internal admin vote soon to come to a final decision.

          An admin scolding me for not writing a permit and then other acting as centcomm to force me to write another report has a pretty clear intention.

          The other admins told me I was OK to resign as Centcomm gave me the option.
          The other admins agreed the situation was handled in RP and was OK.

          That is clearly being ignored in favor of one admin who didn't agree with that ruling and then acted as Centcomm to force me to do something similar.

          You can pretend that Captain is technically supposed to file reports, however that's what NTR is for who outright refused to help or reach any compromise.

          Ultimately the admins OK'd my resignation and therefore I was allowed to cryosleep.

          In a 0-7 vote, the admin team has unanimously decided to uphold this ban appeal given the history of admin messages and notes, along with the responses already gone over in this forum feed.

          You may re-appeal this ban in one month.

          Mish locked the discussion .