Your SS14 Username: Zedorfska
Admin's In-Game Username: 1. Lauudish 2. Taydeo, admins as a whole
Round ID (if applicable): non-applicable
Reason for Complaint:
Hello, originally, this complaint was about specifically this other one, involving a friend of mine: []. To stay short since the whole story is in that thread, they had a two-part name that, in whole, was very offensive. They rightfully got asked to change it, but when they suggested to simply break it apart into only the first name, "Skits", an admin argued that the name was still too LRP, even though rules clearly state arachnids are allowed to have single word names. However I am not here to argue that specifically. What I don't understand is why after they made an admin complaint, agreed to use a different name, "Skits Webber", with the approval of an admin, they got dewhitelisted and effectively soft banned?
As a whole I feel like there were two errors on the admins part here, which were
a) blatantly going against naming rules in the ahelp logs (specifically the messages at 16:55-16:56)
b) not solving the complaint problem in its entirety before locking the thread...
After this complaint was submitted, another friend made this one, highlighting similar points to the first part of mine []. In which multiple admins try to close the thread as soon as possible, only letting JORJ get one reply in. This is ridiculous and to me feels like admins don't communicate between each other, and just try to quickly move past the complaint, rather than solving the actual inticing incident together.
Points I want to being up in the second section is that, as opposed to other servers I have played on, Funky admins seem to be less coordinated. And not fully consult complaints as a team, which leads to some being shut down way too soon.
TLDR; I love playing on Funky, but feel like the moderation team is very sub par when it comes to handling genuine complaints, often shutting them down because they think the submitter isn't willing to reason with them, and assume the worst way too often way too quickly.
edited for formatting, I was on mobile, apologies