Hi folks,
I know, weird first post for the blog, but I figured I needed a better place to speak my opinions about this rather than a couple candid discussions in a general chat.
I think the best way to start off is by discussing what the NTR's role is in the game. The NTR is the person who makes sure that NT regulations and standards (SOP) are being upheld. Ideally, they should be inspecting departments, filing code violations, faxing CentComm, and grilling command members for not doing their jobs.
They're the stations HR manager, and as to why they have a BSO who's primary function is to protect them? In lore, the NTR is the most important person on the station, being able to expedite fax requests and get into contact with CentComm directly. In actuality though, I see this role shifting as they are also knowledgeable in Space Law, to make sure Security doesn't earn the title "Shitsec". More discussion on this should be done later, probably in a forum post.
So, since they need to know NanoTrasen's self-imposed laws as well as their self-imposed safety precautions, to me the logical next step to elevate the role is to make them the stations Lawyer-in-Command, i.e, the guy you go to when you need to make a judgement on someone's sentence.
To reiterate one of my earlier points, yes, one big reason I am suggesting the NTR just take over the job of John Lawyer is because they are already expected to know what Space Law is, and the appropriate sentences. Failing to give a proper sentence that is equal to the crime they did is an IC and OOC issue, one that the NTR can mediate and help use as a teaching moment for a fresh Warden or serve as a refresher for Security. From most NTR gameplay I've seen, they usually hang around Security (which was not how they were intended to be played) instead of checking up on departments regularly. If not that, they become part of the Captain's ever growing entourage, which, yes, usually includes the Captain spending more than half the shift in security.
Ideally, a Captain should not spend more than 10 minutes of their total shift in security, instead opting to work with departments and try to see where optimizations within the chain of command can take place. The Captain is a unity figure, not a Security Officer Plus. Standing for the rights of both greytide and shitsec.
Giving the NTR a role thats more defined, which, yes, would essentially make it so that their role is security oriented, alleviates the pain of the Captain for having to try to deal with a court session when the station is actively on fire from a dragon.
One worry people may have is that the NTR will not focus on its other function, checking up on all departments. I think this is a reasonable worry, and is something that will need to be play-tested once the culture shifts around the Captain being allowed to set arbitrary sentences, to now the NTR having to follow and make sure the sentences befit the crime. Something that could be solved by having another role dedicated to this function.
Essentially, this is all about giving players the proper tools to deal with the bad guys, and admins being able to intervene in a way that isn't seen as intrusive by all parties involved (ideally not having to spawn themselves in and explain why something is bad, or having to role-ban a fresh Warden.)
I do also think this would alleviate security troubles, since now there is someone dedicated on the station to deal with setting up trials, making sure sentences are fair, and prisoners being able to explain their case to someone who can very well help them if security is being unfair.
In this bizarre universe where the NTR is both the HR guy and the Lawyer-in-Chief, I see them occupying the Court as their new place of residence, along side the on-board housing they get in some maps. As for the BSO, I can't really imagine a place for them. Who knows, maybe it's one of those roles that gets defined by the NTR playing.
Overall, these are just my thoughts on the matter. Thanks for reading!