Your SS14 Username: DustyDerg
Admin's In-Game Username: Agentfennec
Round ID (if applicable): 2919, 2920
Reason for Complaint: Rather than professionally dealing with security by ahelping them and explaining issues to them, Agentfennec went in OOC midround to shame all of command and security, very unprofessionally.
The comments:
Round 2919
"read sop challenge 100% failed :godo: - Cap and CC need to auth a containable eoc's execution."
"can't believe this needs to be said"
Round 2920
"again sec and command are being watched hard."
"we don't have 20 warns for the same EXACT crap girls!"
I feel this kind of public shaming, as well as language is very unprofessional, and comes off as rude, confrontational, and non-constructive. I also believe that saying they're going to watch security like a hawk, and threatening that sec get banned for being incompetent, is detrimental to the MRP security team. ESPECIALLY when we have about 4 security for 60 people. Security has to deal with incomplete evidence, and limited perspective already, let alone apprehending subjects, piecing things together, and not pissing everyone off. We have to memorize 3 lists, for each different alert level. I am not saying that going completely against SOP for no reason is okay, and that we should not be expected to know anything. But going AFTER security for killing a syndicate who caused mass death, wiped a department, to ensure we have one less thing to deal with is acceptable to me. We already have MULTIPLE shitters from LRP hounding security, and we have at least three returning customers to the brig every high pop shift with LRPers. If a syndi keeps trying to unrestrain and theres a lot of shit going on, and it's on red, and they killed at least 2 secoffs and like 4 others, they should be able to be RR'd right then and there.
We can't see everything, we can't watch the replay to see if we should make the arrest and for how much time, we can't wait around for every piece of evidence since it takes so long, we can't simply use commands to arrest people, and not everything is crystal clear, including sentencing at times. I believe that the language used by Agentfennec only worsens this, making it feel that we have to be babysitters and admins, and failure to do so will result in roleban or an actual ban. Agentfennec spends more time and energy going after overwhelmed security officers who slip up than they do with the people who need to be punished for being a shitter on purpose, consistently.